Sunday, June 19, 2011

why should I cry for you?

youtube'da bazen video altlarına insanlar çok enteresan bilgiler yazıyorlar. çok hoşuma gidiyor ordan bunları okumak ve öğrenmek. sting bu şarkıyı babası anısına yazmış. video'nun altına birisi şöyle not düşmüş:

''I recently attended one of Stings's concerts and before he sang this song he said that every single one of his father's relatives was a fisherman. His father was the only one to break tradition and be a milkman. He said that his father encouraged him not to be a fisherman and to go out and explore life. He said he wrote this song in his father's memory.''

under the arctic fire
over the seas of silence
hauling on frozen ropes
for all my days remaining
but would north be true?

but would north be true?
why should I?
why should I cry for you?
dark angels follow me
over a godless sea
mountains of endless falling
for all my days remaining

what would be true?

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